Battlefield Heroes producer thinks consoles market is niche.
If you are reading this, chances are it's from a PC, unless you printed this document out for some reason. Point is, there are a lot of PCs out there and according to an interview over at Gamasutra, Ben Cousins, senior producer on EA's Battlefield Heroes, believes PC gaming has massive potential and thinks console gaming is niche in comparison.
Battlefield Heroes, a WWII shooter that is free to play, will be supported by micro-transactions and Web-based advertising. Cousins asserts that the potential for this type of revenue is much greater on the PC than the consoles because there are hundreds of millions of PCs, where as there are only tens of millions of consoles; because of this he thinks it is a "crazy idea" to think the PC is dying.
Cousins believes that PC games will continue to push the thriving online connectivity front, "...They're going to have an element of persistence which you need to be connected online to do; and they're going to be, probably, more multiplayer focused."
With gaming growing each and every year, Cousins asserts that we've only reached the tip of the iceberg. He cites the massive popularity of the NES when it first came out which was then blown away by the release of the mainstream friendly PlayStation. "...It really feels like... we're on the cusp of another expansive period of growth, between the DS and the Wii audiences, and there's also an opportunity on the PC now."
Cousins sees potential for innovation in the Asian countries, which tends to be ignored for its pirate friendly markets. He is excited about the PC centric country of India, calling it a "poor country that soon will have a completely global, online connected world, for which games will be completely different." He therefore isn't so much interested in which console will win the next generation war, but which platform will win over the internets, "the real key platform is the web itself... That's where we're going to see the next revolution in gaming, is with Web delivery, and Web gameplay."
What he is saying is that, if people get informed that there PC's can turn into gaming machines by buying a graphics card, then PC will only get even bigger. Hopefully the PCGA will do their job and inform people they have a SUPERIOR gaming platform in thier home. The PCGA is helping to lower PC hardware prices, so yea PC's future looks bright, Powerful hardware for lower prices makes a profit for companies and now Nvidia and ATI both realize this, look at the 8800 GT's success powerful and cheap, sold 2 million in 3 months and made Nvidia company of the year.
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