If they could get this working on the Wii u with no issues and consistency, which is questionable, the Wii u being last gen comments may vanish. But, the judging from what the Wii U is made of, it seems that they would have to sacrifice something to gain this advantage, like on X where it was basically empty field or other games with random frame rate drops. If Platnium find a way to do it, they will be the best Dev on the Wii U outdoing even Nintendo, and Nintendo will surely attempt to buy the studio.Platnium Games Siliconeras Robert Ward claims Bayonetta 2 is attempting to go for full 1080p on the Wii U, with 60 FPS already a goal, and discusses more details about Platinum Games crash and build method of making games. Crash and build refers to Platinum Games iterative process where they build up on an idea until they come up with a good hook for it, and then build up on it again until they can come up with more cool elements, and keep repeating on this again and again until they are satisfied with the results. This is the reason every game they come up with always seems loaded with content, to the point of overkill. Robert notes that the demo he got to try out in PAX Prime is the same one available in E3 a few months ago, so whatever progress is going on in the game now we wont even be aware of. However, he notes that the demo is a visual spectacle, lush with details and glowing with colors and speed. This gives the game a lively look full of energy, not as bright as Wonderful 101, but just as awe-inspiring, if not even more so.
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