All I know is that I have enjoyed the hell out of InFamous and God of War
i agree with this (these are the best ps3 games and the sigma series). the rest of ps3 exclusive are rated or more accuratly over hype, even tho they are good but they are way over hyped. i remember when i bought mgs4 i was so disappointed because from reading about it and people claiming its the pinacle of gaming i found it slow and boring. also i remember people claiming that it is graphic king and it even recieved award for graphics yet i found the game very ugly and jaggy.
you can't go into mgs4 unless your a fan, which reading from what you wrote you just got it because of the hype. Mgs4 was made for fans and it was a great send off to one of gaming great icons and also it came out in 2008 when ps3/360 graphics were still getting better and mgs4 looked amazing at the time hell it still does to me. I just laugh when people who never played the series expect to jump into it and see why we all loved the game so much. You have to know the back story to the previous games to fully appreciate mgs4 but i digress.true i do enjoy some mgs games but im not a big fan of the series. mgs3 on ps2 was a great experience imho. i have to disagree tho the game graphically is very underwhelming, even gears 2 which is an ugly game looks better than it. the colors in mgs4 are very washed out and the jaggies are everywhere, the games look very bad imo. it recieved graphic award because people are fan of the game, burnout, soul calibur 4 where better graphically even ninja gaiden sigma 2007 was better. also it defeated crysis warhead in graphics which is no where near it.
i find people overestimate some games graphics, people keep claim uncharted to be best graphics because its a shooter and this gen shooter is all the buzz but god of war 3 is the best graphics ive seem on consoles this gen, it has amazing color, very sharp textures, great lighting and reflections and the game contains alot of details.
also as for ur coment in back story, most games i play without bothering with the story, i usually spik all cutscenes in games and whenever im allowed, im more into gameplay and could careless about the story of anygame, sigma 2 and bayonetta are one of my favourite games this gen and i barely know what the story of those game are about.( that just me i only care for gameplay)
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