@Blabadon said:
Because 1080p/60FPS have been standard for years now on one platform while the rest, even with a hardware upgrade, have no particular consistent method of making that amount.
For a dick measuring contest of second place, I wish it wasn't so far away. Sure $400 is a great price, but I do want 60FPS to be standard on consoles now at least.
1080p is not even a standard on PC,32% now run 1080p hardly the standard,and that is now 3 years ago it was even lower.
Not every one who has a PC can run games at 1080p 60FPS.
60FPS will never be standard on the console market,because developers use the extra power for graphics rather than for frames 30FPS has been always the norm with some games running at 60.
@Cloud_imperium said:
Console gamers fight over 900p vs 792p way more than PC gamers and Sony is also using this whole 1080p thing to advertise their console as "true next gen" experience . Sooner or later it'll bite them in the ass when games like Witcher 3 start to roll out . It has already begun with Watch Dogs .
On other hand I agree with you that devs should focus on improving gameplays and AI .
Only 2 games on PS4 are 900p the rest are 1080p,even PC has tons of games where player have to lower quality or drop AA altogether to get 1080p even more at 60FPS,this grouping of PC together strong and weak is a joke,the majority of PC gamers are low ass specs PC,below PS4 levels this is a damn fact.
In fact so sad it is that in this very moment half of Steam can't even play Watchdogs the damn game requires a quad core and Steam has 48% of their PC with dual core,so grouping together all PC and ignoring that the majority can't even play most PS4 games is a joke,a $500 dollars walmart PC can't play sh** unless you spend $150 more for a 7850 like GPU,and mostly dual core show how crappy the situation is on PC with its low adoption rate.
32% on steam is on 1080p the fallow close with 24% which is 1366x768 that is barely over 720p,and lower than 900p,but you don't see me calling PC the 768p platform.
@clyde46 said:
No, it's mostly console gamers who bit the bait that was laid at e3 about the next gen consoles hitting that magical 60fps at 1080p and now they are back pedalling claiming that it never mattered.
Actually there were many arguments only the most hard core fell for that sh** as many always stated that 60FPS on consoles would not be the norm because developer always give up frames for visuals.
Call it like it is..
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