The half life games do certain things amazingly well. They feature great stories, with fantastic characters and set a mood really really well. They are all epic and the story all ties together so well is really though provoking.
With that all being said there are so many many flaws in hl2, ep1 and ep2. These are flaws that havent been changed since they were revealed in hl2 which leaves me to think valve is just stupid or being really really lazy.
To start, the AI. The marine soldier AI in half life 1 was far greater than anything ive ever seen in hl2 or the episodes. Here the soldiers just stand in one spot firing, never using cover, they never hunt you down, theres no squad mechanics or anything. They just spot you, stand there and open fire.
Number two is also enemy related, its just the way the respond to fire. They take way too much damage and make the weapons you have feel weak. I dont know how many times ive point blanked an enemy in the head with the shotgun and he needs another 2 or 3 rounds to finish him off.
Valve - headshots need to be instant kills, freaking fix that. Not to mention when you put body shots on enemies or even the multiple headshots they just stand there and keep firing away, enemies are never staggered or drop or react in any way. This is makes the gun play unbelievably boring. Certain firefights turn out to be you in a room with 3 or four guys standing around shooting until they go down. This problem has lead me to play the game on easy, not that i like it to be easy but its the only way enemies die after a realistic amount of ammo is put into them.
It is so bad in fact that when i originally played hl2 I always had the latest smod downloaded because it made it to where enemies died after a quick few bursts of fire, and added more weapons as well as iron sights and bullet time (not really necessary but fun)
The insane amount of loadscreens. Uncharted had zero paused loading screens after the initial one and the half life games (that arent even that hardware taxing) load about every 3-10 minutes of gameplay. the only excuse for this is lazyness. Valve you are lazy, all there is to it.
I would love to see half life 2 ep. 3 have completely awesome reworked squad ai and much improved gunplay but i just know its going to be exactly like the rest of the games meaning lots of boring gameplay but lots of awesome story progression. I'll still buy and completely love the games but it just seems so off for a game thats considered the greatest fps of all time.
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