This evening iGR covered Best Buy‘s Ultimate Gamers Showdown, Madden 25 tournament. I had the opportunity to speak to Sony, Xbox, and more importantly, Best Buy PR while spectating the tourney. While company policy prohibits stating exact sales figures of any product, I was given a general statement as to which next-gen console is currently selling better at Best Buy. On-site members of Best Buy’s Senior PR team stated, “We’ve sold many more PS4s than Xbox One’s.” The staff also noted, “Both products are selling extremely well.”This being Best Buy’s flagship store in Richfield, MN, less than a mile from corporate headquarters; I take these numbers as a general trend of nationwide sales thus far.
That fact was driven home by the sheer amount of next-gen stock that Best Buy had on-hand. The retailer had nine PS4 units (two of which purchased moments later) and over thirty Xbox One consoles in-stock. Another surprising revelation was that the Madden 25 tournament was being played exclusively on PS4 hardware. And yes, before another “There’s PS4′s in-stock” article is printed; PS4s and Xbox One’s were both available at Best Buy.
The fact remains that both consoles have sold over two million units since they launched. But Best Buy was just one stop I made tonight. I also visited my local GameStop before heading home. The CSR working when I arrived pretty much mirrored the statements from Best Buy saying, “We don’t have any PS4′s for sale right now, but we have about 25 Xbox One’s.” The rep added, “I get calls everyday from customers looking for PS4′s.”
In the end both Sony and Microsoft have enjoyed stellar console launches. How things stack up long-term remains to be seen.
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