Just curious, which console has the most beautiful design?
I would say the white Xbox One S.
What’s yours?
White xbox was cool, although I preferred the controller. I like the Wii. The way it stood there, blue light coming from the disc slot.
For me, it's the sleek PS4 base design and when I saw it the first time, it was so sleek, it made Xbox One look bad and if anyone says "design of a console doesn't matter," I beg to differ.
My second design would be Xbox 360 Slim and that was a sleek of an Xbox console. Very disappointed MS didn't learn from it's sleekness after 360 slim and they went with a brick.
I thought the Supergrafx was a really badass looking system back in the day, very hardcore military like. Nowadays I prefer something more simple like the Xbox One S/X.
Shame we got a worse-looking Saturn in the West. Especially the Western Saturn controller, which looks quite bad (before SOA decided to bring over the Japanese Saturn controller). Almost like the early Xbox "Duke" controller we initially got in the West (while Japan got the superior Controller S, which Microsoft later brought over to the West). The fact that the Japanese Saturn was better-looking could be one of the reasons why the Saturn was a hit in Japan and a flop in the West (among other reasons that have already been endlessly discussed).
But at least we got a better-looking Sega Master System in Europe. The SMS2 only got a limited release in North America and never released in Japan (since the SMS kind of flopped in those places).
PS3 fat was $600, and it looked like $600. By far the most gorgeous and elegant console ever.
My personal favorite design is the N64. It just exudes fun and power all at once.
Does the Gameboy count?
Just a handheld box with a few buttons, good battery life, and nigh-indestructible design. I got it when I was a kid and my mom still plays Tetris on it to this day.
Simple and functional. There is nothing more beautiful than those two attributes put together.
For me, it's the sleek PS4 base design and when I saw it the first time, it was so sleek, it made Xbox One look bad and if anyone says "design of a console doesn't matter," I beg to differ.
My second design would be Xbox 360 Slim and that was a sleek of an Xbox console. Very disappointed MS didn't learn from it's sleekness after 360 slim and they went with a brick.
That's BS and everyone knows it. let me ask you this, have you ever not bought a console because you didn't like the look of it?
I'm betting you haven't, not only that once you put the disk in (I think you're mostly digital right?) you start up the game and watch the tv and not the console, in fact i'm willing to bet that when you're playing the game the look of the console is the last thing you think about, but hey tell me i'm wrong.
That thing looks very, very boring to me. Like something basically no one ever used. Like a palm pilot or a beeper or something. Or maybe some dashboard radio thingy for an old car.
Huh. Somebody actually liked the grill design?
@Litchie: Well, I'm guessing you were near a decade from being born when Game Gear and Genesis were in their heyday. You're welcome to your opinion of course, but you listed Gamecube... a literal cube with a handle... as your favorite design. I'm not going to take your criticism of my tastes seriously after that.
@Litchie: Well, I'm guessing you were near a decade from being born when Game Gear and Genesis were in their heyday. You're welcome to your opinion of course, but you listed Gamecube... a literal cube with a handle... as your favorite design. I'm not going to take your criticism of my tastes seriously after that.
Was born '88. Genesis looked awesome.
@Telekill: Ye. Not just the look of the Game Gears erotic body, straight up comfy as hell to use.
Always wanted a modified one with Raspberry Pi.
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