The Orange Box - 20
Super Mario Galaxy - 20
GTA IV - 20
Bioshock - 20
COD 4 - 20
Gears of War -20
Halo 3 - 20
MGS 4 - 20
SSBB - 20
Crysis - 20
For those of you who don't know what to do, you copy and paste the list and pick one game and add a +1 to it (HEAL) and pick another one and take away -1 from it (HURT)
Heres mine:
The Orange Box - 20
Super Mario Galaxy - 21 (HEAL)
GTA IV - 20
Bioshock - 20
COD 4 - 19 (HURT)
Gears of War -20
Halo 3 - 20
MGS 4 - 20
SSBB - 20
Crysis - 20
And the last remaining game is System Wars favourite game!
For an example on how this works look here:
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