Shooters this gen have been absolutely horrible and spread thin on top of that. I would have to say that the best mechanics and gameplay goes to BF4, however the better maps are on BFH. RSS is a hot steaming pile of horse shit... why? Simple. The game could have been great, and I was really looking forward to a tactical shooter that was squad based.... However.. and that's a huge however, It fell completely flat. The "modes" if that is what you want to call them are basically just elimination. "Strategy" requires camping and/or assaulting a single room, rinse, wash, repeat. There is very little "strategy" in the game. Going outside lights an enemy up on the radar, maps are completely uninspired, everyone scrambles to use the same couple agents, shields are ridiculously over powered, I could keep going for a day and a half, but that's good for now.. trash. Other than that what's left? CoD? Yeah... no.
What happened to the others... no more SOCOM, Ghost Recon, Medal of Honor, etc.... we need something else. These cookie cutter generic shooters are crap.
It is so sad when freaking Battlefield games are at the top of a shooter list (I play one life modes).... I would have said The Division, but since it is more of an RPG, players with lesser gear don't have much of a chance against better geared enemies or player characters. Thus making it less of a competitive shooter and more of an MMO minus the fact that zones are based on level and there are currently several flaws with the design.
Still waiting on a game that is a true MP experience that keeps me coming back for more without "well, my friends are playing it, and there is currently nothing better to play."
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