Although pc has no gens here are imo the best nwe IP's the last 3 years
sins of a solar empire ( top of my list one of the best strategy games since homeworld and you get a great sense of the vastness of space in huge epic battles )
Stalker ( havent seen anything like it before and mixes rpg elements into a shooter and recreates an immersive world with great atmosphere )
Kings bounty ( best turn based game since heroes of might and magic III)
The witcher ( imo the best wrpg the last few years)
Mass effect ( great Rpg/shooter with a great story and the most cinematic experience i ever had in a game )
Crysis ( although is actually the real far cry succesor )
Trine ( imo the bset indie game)
World of goo ( certainly the most addictive game )
Mirrors edge ( excellent concept and execution only downside is that is to short )
Titan Quest ( i'm playing this right now and is a very solid rpg with a good mod community that will keep me busy until diablo 3)
Grid ( imo the best arcade racer and one of the best looking games)
Finally portal ( Valve did it again)
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