i have it on good authority from a mate who works for a big computer hardware wholesaler who have dealings with rockstar that gta 6 will be the first £100 game here in the uk. he's right with his predictions roughly about 70% of the time.
if that happens, i'm out.
otherwise, i'm just curious at this stage. i did like gta, but it's been 12 years since gta v, and tbh i've stopped caring, whereas back then a new gta was a monumental event.
i've got no real interest in the multiplayer, and given that's all they've been doing for the past 12 years, rdr2 aside, i'm worried how much that will affect the quality of the sp, and how focused the game will be on mp and further monetisation instead. and, after rdr2, which had an incredibly detailed game world but god awful mechanics, i'm worried gta may inherit those characteristics.
so i'd say 2, maybe a 3 at best
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