@with_teeth26 said:
It was pretty bad. Failed on a interactive and a narrative level, had some good acting/voice acting but the garbo writing lack of danger in gameplay makes it pretty bad
"The story was great. Cage learned from his mistakes and I couldn't find any plotholes in this game. There were some weak moments and questionable character developments, but I was intrigued and wanted to know how the story would end so I couldn't put down the controller. That for me is a pretty good sign that the story was good.
- Voice acting was some of the best of this gen, if not the best. Loved Jodie's character, and the relationships she built with the other characters were believable. I had a hard time making some of the choices you had to make.
- Pacing was great, although the Navajo chapter felt incredibly out of place and would've fit better as DLC. I understand the placement of the Navajo chapter and it's significance in Jodie's development, but it dragged on too long and it was too much of everything. Only weak point of the game, imo.
-Loved the scrambled timeline. After each chapter you can check the timeline during the loading screen and see where the part you just played/are going to play fits in the story. Really makes you go "OHHH that's why this one thing just happened!" or "Ohh now we're finally going to see why Jodie did that thing". It also helped balancing gameplay between the more action oriented parts and the story oriented parts in which you don't really do much. It would be boring to play kid Jodie for the first half of the game and then only play adult Jodie for the rest of the game.
I can go on and on about this game and why I love Beyond Two Souls so much.
Honestly, I think people focused way too much on Heavy Rain and comparing it (unfairly) to that game. People who have complained about "lack of choice" need to stop staring at Heavy Rain and realise that Beyond is a game about Jodie's (and I guess Aiden's) life. You only influence small parts of that. Heavy Rain was about choices and "how far are you willing to go" and stuff like that.
I do believe that critics were too harsh on Beyond Two Souls"
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