[QUOTE="superjim42"][QUOTE="GiveMeSomething"] just remember pc ports dont count :( so 360 has like 10 AAAEs
what you talking about pc dont count its a gaming platform as much as any other platform. i own a gaming pc i play all the superior versions of games on their. its system wars for a reason not console wars. so no 360 does not have like 10 AAAE's. you obviously do not know the meaning of exclusivity
The only problem with treatingthe PC on an equal playing field as consoles is this: "When do you start counting games for a PC during any gaming cycle?"
Here is an example: Oblivion was released on 360 and PC at pretty much the same time, most people would say that the PC version on max settings is graphically better, and thats the way it was reviewed. Now, to run Oblivion at the time it was released and have it actually look and preform better then the 360 version, you had to have a top end CPU, and the top end card of the time, which was along the lines of a 7900 i believe.
Fast forward to today. You have games like Crysis available, and are graphically superior to the consoles, but, if you are playing Crysis on the exact same machine that you used to play Oblivion when it came out, the game is NOT graphically all that great, and wont even run well with the visual downgrades. To run Crysis at the levels that its been reviewed at and all the screens are taken from you'd have to upgrade, and not only upgrade your GPU, you'd most likely had to upgrade your RAM, maybe your CPU, and you'd have to even upgrade your OS to the DX10 enabled Vista.
So here's the point. Do you start when the first next gen console comes out, and just ignore the fact that the PC's are not the same? Do you start with the Wii and PS3 releases and say thats when all the next gen systems were out? Or do you wait until the PC actually upgraded to its next gen with DX10? If so then what about all the games that came before.
Its a big mess IMO, and i dont see how PC gaming and console gaming can really be put in the same catagory.
Because they both play video styled games.
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