Biggest mistakes each system has made this gen so far

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#1 Mercenary848
Member since 2007 • 12143 Posts

How do you think sony, nintendo, and microsoft have shot themselves in the foot this so far this gen.

Nintendo: lack of appealing games and honestly bad marketing. Things have turned around(I bought a wii u recently and have been enjoying it), but initially the wii u was barren. Also because of the name, a lot of people wrote it off as just another wii upgrade/attachment.

Microsoft: pushing kinect down peoples throats.

Sony:not a lot of exclusives

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#2 Mercenary848
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That being said, this gen is starting to pick up for all of them

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#3  Edited By deactivated-5ebea105efb64
Member since 2013 • 7262 Posts

Steam : Early Access and loads of Shovelware crap.

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#4 Juub1990
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Nintendo: Terrible marketing, failure to keep momentum going after a big release ie too much time between two major titles.

Microsoft: PR disaster before release. Backtracking on used DRM. Mandatory Kinect for the first few months.

Playstation: Lack of exclusives, PSN still too vulnerable.

I have to say I think PS4 is doing well mostly because Xbox One pretty much killed itself.

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#5 Mercenary848
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@Juub1990: Yeah, I am not a blind fanboy, but I always have been partal to nintendo. Sony has been cleaning house this gen and I am glad that I have a ps4/wii u combo.

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#6 zassimick  Moderator
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Nintendo: Poor marketing is the big one in the beginning I believe. I'd also argue they haven't done enough to work with other developers and publishers to secure content for their console. Bayonetta 2 was a wonderful step in the direction, and the partnership with Hyrule Warriors is as well, but I would love it if they made some deals with other developers to produce unique and original games exclusively for Wii U. It's a pipe dream and I know a lot of people say that, but it would be great to see this play out.

Oh, and not having a proper D&D game on the system yet, one where the gamer with the tablet acts as the Dungeon Master and creates the dungeon on the Gamepad for the players to go through on the television. This is one of Nintendo's biggest mistakes.

Sony: A slow start. They've pushed so much for indies that we were left waiting for the big exclusives. We are starting to see these games release more now, and the PS4 didn't really need to rush the gams since it was selling so amazingly, but it would have been nice to see a couple more big games early on.

Microsoft: Price point was a big hurdle for me. The system has still sold well but I'm curious as to how the competition between Sony and Microsoft would have been had it been priced cheaper initially.

- - - - -

All three consoles are starting to find their rhythm now though, each being a good time. I'm looking forward to the future with them!

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#7 aroxx_ab
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MS - Did they do anything right before the release? since launch they have been trying to remove all bad things

Nintendo - They just being Nintendo not much they can do about it, devs/consumers dont take them seriously whatever they do

Sony - Just dominate and they not even know why, they even ask media where all success come from. Not done anything really bad.

PC - Steam killing PC gaming with all shovelwares, early access crap, broken indie games crap whatever

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#8  Edited By Pikminmaniac
Member since 2006 • 11514 Posts

Nintendo: Their terrible marketing really hurt the system. They were so unclear that many didn't even know they were releasing a new console.

Microsoft: They hurt themselves more than anybody with their E3 reveal of their new console. The consumer rights backlash against them was monstrous.

Sony: Their lack of content in the first year. They really had nothing to drive sales, but it sold incredibly well nontheless probably in no small part due to how badly the other two shot themselves in the foot.

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#9 clone01
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This gen?

Nintendo...weak titles out of the gate (getting much better now)

MS...High launch price, too much forcing Kinect to unwilling consumers.

Sony...Going to a paid online system. And sorry, I'm not much of an expert, but they don't seem to be as secure as XBL.

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#10 DEadliNE-Zero0
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Nintendo: Horrible 3rd party support, being it multiplats or exclusives. It's become a Nintendo exclusive machine. I mean, i'm fine with that since i love Nintendo, but, yeah

Microsoft: The whole original XBONE design. They're improving but the reveal was horrible

Sony: Well, they haven't done anything really bad, charging for multiplayer while PSN is still shit is just awfull. All i remember is cows bragging about how they didn't have to pay, or how paying for multiplayer was for suckers. yeah, tel me about.

@aroxx_ab said:

PC - Steam killing PC gaming with all shovelwares, early access crap, broken indie games crap whatever

@Gamerno6666 said:

Steam : Early Access and loads of Shovelware crap.

You don't have to buy it, you know? And alot fo these games are best sellers, sooooooo

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#11  Edited By Zelda187
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Micorsoft: Well, they fucked up just about everything during E3 2013 which turned off a ton of people from buying an XBone. Aside from that, trying to design the XBone as a media tool first and a game system second is where they fucked up bigtime. Most people already have at least one cable box in their house and "voice commands" are just about the most gimmicky shit going. People have had this crap on their cell phones for the last decade and 99% never use it.

Nintendo: They fucked up with a totally non-existent advertising campaign and once again rolling with a goofy fucking controller design. Couple in their total lack of 3rd party support and it's not hard to figure out why most consider the Wii U nothing more than a solid "companion" console.

Sony: They fucked up by not releasing enough quality exclusives during the first year.

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#12  Edited By Lucianu
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Like everyone said, Nintendo really suffered with the WiiU because of their terrible marketing. And i believe that is the main reason why the console isn't selling. They have almost no presence in the video game market, for ****'s sake.

MS got what they deserved after the Xbone's initial reveal. What they wanted to do with the console should never become a reality. Their mistake was to underestimate the intelligence of the consumer.

As for Sony, the PS4 is a slow burn but a safe investment for the future. Problem is that now the console has a poor lineup of exclusives.

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#13 aroxx_ab
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@deadline-zero0 said:

Nintendo: Horrible 3rd party support, being it multiplats or exclusives. It's become a Nintendo exclusive machine. I mean, i'm fine with that since i love Nintendo, but, yeah

Microsoft: The whole original XBONE design. They're improving but the reveal was horrible

Sony: Well, they haven't done anything really bad, charging for multiplayer while PSN is still shit is just awfull. All i remember is cows bragging about how they didn't have to pay, or how paying for multiplayer was for suckers. yeah, tel me about.

@aroxx_ab said:

PC - Steam killing PC gaming with all shovelwares, early access crap, broken indie games crap whatever

@Gamerno6666 said:

Steam : Early Access and loads of Shovelware crap.

You don't have to buy it, you know? And alot fo these games are best sellers, sooooooo

Yeah sure i dont have to buy them but it is still annoying to have to go through them, and some games can look cool and when you buy it it turns out the game is not even finished or working..."bu bu but you dont have to buy it ". I preffer i store with higher standards, if you know what i mean...

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#14  Edited By B4X
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Microsoft: Policies

Nintendo: 3rd party support

Sony: Bad networking on every front, behind a paywall

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#15 Mystery_Writer
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being underpowered

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#16 Cloud_imperium
Member since 2013 • 15146 Posts

@Gamerno6666 said:

Steam : Early Access and loads of Shovelware crap.

Early Access was the reason why we got feature rich games like Divinity Original Sin. You can ignore Shovelware crap. It's an open platform. There will always be more good games as well as more bad games compared to other platforms.

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#17 raugutcon
Member since 2014 • 5576 Posts

AAAAAAND THE NEXT GEN BIGGEST FUCKUP GOES TO !!!!! ---------> MICROSOFT CORPORATION !!!, heep, heep, hoorayyyy !!!

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#18 BldgIrsh
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Sony: Piss poor network service.

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#19 R4gn4r0k
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MS got very cocky. But I guess that's just what happens when you make your third console after a really popular second one. Sony did the same with PS3. Remember Sony saying 'you better get an extra job to be able to afford our next console'

MS not only tried selling less powerful hardware for more money than the PS4, but they also tried eradicating second hand sales. Neither strategy worked.

Sony has a serious lack of games. Even still, after 1+ year after the PS4 released. And I really don't know what made them screw up Driveclub so bad.

I also don't like their decision to make online gaming paid this generation.

Nintendo just can't seem to court 3rd party anymore. But why would third party release anything for their system when Nintendo just makes the system for Nintendo and Nintendo alone. The WiiU wasn't designed with third party in mind. It was designed with Nintendo in mind.

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#20 deactivated-5a7fcf5e55c95
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I'd say for Nintendo it's the 3rd party support which I honestly have no idea how they'll improve. Bad marketing for the system which has confused consumers and led many to not even know of its existence. Lastly though not a huge deal anymore, (in my opinion) as it is I suppose adequate is the power of the Wii U.

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#21  Edited By starwolf474
Member since 2013 • 989 Posts

Nintendo - Terrible marketing. I saw more ads for PS4 and Xbox One in their first month than I did for the Wii U in it's entire first year. A lot of casual gamers that I talked to did not even know that the Wii U was a new console.

Microsoft - Mandatory Kinect causing Xbox One to be the most expensive console and being the first to announce their use of DRM (I'm certain that Sony was going to use DRM as well until they saw the backlash that Microsoft received for it and wisely changed their plans so that they could paint themselves as the good guy).

Sony - Having no great games for the PS4's first year and going into cruise control after PS4 took the lead, but it doesn't seem to have hurt them that much due to the mistakes that Microsoft and Nintendo made.

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#22 osan0
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nintendo: 3DS: got on the 3D thing too late and it wasnt quite ready (with the new 3DS its ready). poor marketing and a meh launch also didnt help. the handheld was also grossly overpriced at launch (3D probably contributing to that problem).

nintendo: wiiu: possibly the worst reveal of a new console in the history of the industry. its really not good when people think the wiiu is a new controller for the wii. so major confusion out of the gate. they also created a console with no idea how it would benefit the games they want to make. with the wii it was crystal clear. but no wiiu game makes great use of the gamepad. they also released the pro controller and added support for the wiimote out of the gate so nintendo were just back pedaling before the wiiu even launched. the console was just badly thought out during its development. also the 8GB model should never have seen the light of day.

MS: kinect was a stupid mandetory inclusion. there was no content for it of worth. its kinda the same problem with the wiiu: its in there but why? the issues around DRM and so on also just left the goal wide open for sony. the design of their console has also left them at an inherent disadvantage now too. there is a lot of equipment in there that still costs money to include and is not, in itself, selling consoles. things like the TV receiver. pointless. at the end of the day sony can offer more in the gaming department for the same or less money.

Sony: they havent kept the momentum going. in terms of the sales race this should be a done deal for sony now. nintendo have had a catastrophic misfire had MS had a complete screw up. sony have the best console, offer the best value (more powerful console, same price, 99% the same games), the full support of 3rd parties and, at launch at least, the full support of the market also. and yet MS are starting to turn it around and sony seem to be doing nothing. their first party are slumbering at the moment, they arent snagging much in the way of exclusive 3rd party content and so on. by now the PS4 should be the default go to console this gen and its still not. by this time 2015 if the PS4 isnt completely dominant in all markets then sony need to start asking themselves some serious questions.