Over the past few weeks I have noticed a disturbing trend in SW: Bioshock bashing.
Now, let me start this off by saying that I do not believe Bioshock to be perfect, I do not believe Bioshock to be inherently superior to System Shock 2, and I do not believe that what I am posting is anything more than an opinion even if it is a well thought out opinion that makes use of a good deal of evidence. Ok? Good. Now let's get down to buisness.
This Bioshock bashing trend seems to have really gotten its legs after Zero Puctuation released his hilarious video review criticising it on a number of legitimate fronts... and one highly illegitimate one.
His primary point of attack, and the point of attack that has been used by many thereafter, has been the argument that Bioshock is nothing more than System Shock 2 with a fresh coat of paint. This argument seems to many to be a grand indictment against Bioshock and I now feel it is my duty to explain why this argument is totally and flawed.
The "fresh coat of paint" argument seems to imply that the story and the setting of Bioshock are merely superficial agumentations that serve only to keep Bioshock from being an exact copy of SS2. This is an absolutely and completely stupid implication to make, seeing as how the plot and setting of Bioshock are easily its most compelling aspect.
Now, now, don't get me wrong: The gameplay in Bioshock is, indeed, quite fun. I truly enjoyed using all sorts of plasmids to eviscerate Splicers and take down Big Daddies. The combat in Bioshock is brutal, close, and viscerally exciting, and overall the gameplay is smooth, solid, and highly functional... but the story and setting completely overwhelm it. Bioshock's story is the best in recent memory; it's full of amazing writing, captivating events, and shocking twists. The setting is gorgeous and captivating; the mood of the game is dark and fascinating, and though it is not is scary as the setting of SS2, it is many times more compelling.
Is the gameplay similar to SS2? In alot of respects, yes, but to call it SS2 with a fresh coat of paint ignores the things that make Bioshock one of the best games in recent memory; it's presentation on all fronts: Art direction, visuals, music, story, voice acting, writing, etc. Are those things irrelevant to you Bioshock bashers? Do you regard those components as mere standbys that don't matter in the face of a basic gameplay layout that was taken from SS2?
Does Bioshock play like an easier SS2? Hell yes, but why do you care? Are the gameplay mechanics from SS2 overdone in the industry? Do you see alot of "SS2 clones" running around? Hell no! SS2 was a one of a kind game. Why do you care if another game (by the same ****ing devs!) uses a chunk of its mechanics?
I can't understand why you people nitpick on these things when a game that features the best writing, story, setting, and mood in ages is sitting right in fromt of you.
Sure, Bioshock is easy, but really, does every game need to be difficult? Sure the vita-chambers are noobish, but guess what? You don't have to use them. Reload a save when you die, or, if your really hardcore, don't die at all.
But whatever you decide to do, please stop attacking the masterpiece that is Bioshock over such minutia; I think it deserves a hell of alot of credit for exploring the dark themes it does, and I think Levine deserves alot of credit for the best writing I've ever heard in a video game.
Bioshock is an absolutely awesome game, and all of you guys need to relax a little and enjoy it for what it is.
I am a huge SS2 fan, and I am a huge Bioshock fan. At the same time! :o
I love them both for different things, hell, I think they compliment eachother.
Phew. Alright... that's all I have to say about this. And look, guys! I wrote this whole thing without using the word "atmosphere!"
Oh wait... damn it.
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