Dead Space!! About time!!
Also, Sunset Overdrive, that's cool. I already have it but there's a game I feel needed more exposure. I hope those with Gold and an XBO find the time to play this.
Wolf Among Us, already have that too but also a good Telltale game. Throw on Saints Row IV on it, that makes for a great month. I already have Saints Row IV Re-Elected + Gat Out of Hell on XBO, so this will be kind of redundant, would have preferred Saints Row: The Third instead, but hopefully that's going BC as well (fingers crossed).
All stuff I have (minus Dead Space), but great line-up. You done good Microsoft. You done good.
I wish MS would advertise what's in the pipe for releasing on BC, because Dead Space was offered few weeks back on sale for like $4 and I'd of bought it I knew but it's free so that's fine. BUT I'd of picked up Dark Souls had I known that was coming, that way I don't have to pay $20 for it now. There's been lots of sales on games I want that might go BC any day now, I've seen Civilizations Revolution cheap, Catherine, Beautiful Katamari. Hopefully more of the good ones are offered on Games w/ Gold though I'll be pretty happy then.
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