@XBOunity said:
@WadeFan said:
Honestly, between the numerous reports, polls, opinions, sales trends and analyst predictions, I no longer find this a surprise. I think people are speaking and the PS4 is the better system at the moment. However, they need to keep their foot on the gas and by that I mean, you are getting the install base and the next thing they need is that install base to give great word of mouth. Give us the games and they will put another nail in the Xbox One's coffin.
lol ok . games you are losing and its not looking good. Naughty dog game and what else? you will probably get the ND late too, so games are a strong win atm and when Titanfall hits the streets I think a lot of people will be trading in their ps4s. its a long gen bro, till 2020, fortazela sonys vr a lot more to come. the cloud which im sure SOny will start doing it, because its going to show it matters. so again 2nd rate system for Sony just like PSN.
See and you accuse me of making up sh**..hahaha
All freaking xbox one exclusives were owned by a damn Indie game how sad it that.?
The highest game Forza 5.
. Forza Motorsport 5 80.84%
The highest PS4 game Resogun.
Resogun 84.04%
It is a disaster what has happen, now before you go into full damage control,the xbox one launch failed dude it failed,just like the PS4 as well,remember how the PS3 launch was suppose to be the worse ever.?
Resistance scored 86.70 this game was consider by lemming to be garbage and i remember well all the hate it got then for it score,and now you people want to pretend that 80% is great some how..
Lets see we have.
Drive Club which make Forza 5 look last gen,and will probably outscore it to.
And The order 3 exclusives for next year,i know more are coming,specially if i start to count games on PC that will be on PS4 but not on xbox one,like your doing now with Titanfall.
The fact that you have to hide on a multiplatform game to defend the xbox one make me laugh so hard,you people really have nothing for that crappy console and to think it cost you $100 more than the PS4,to get fewer exclusives and inferior multiplatforms.
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