@GreySeal9 said:
@casharmy said:
I wasn't trying to "show" them anything, I was simply trying to save them the time of posting their idiotic comments (like yours) by informing them that this thread was for fans/people interested in the game. Is it that hard for you to understand?
I know people will make off comments without even clicking on the video so I just took the initiative to address those people before they even posted. You are welcome.
You do realize that your thread will attract more haterz because you posted that rant, right?
But then again, nobody ever accused you of being bright.
More haters?
No, it's just the usual idiots who do nothing but post those types of comments and I have come to expect nothing else. The only people who aren't bright are the same haters who are still posting the exact type of comments I was referring to (including you) despite dismissing your arguments in my OP.
In every Bloodborne thread and I see the same group of morons bashing, some would avoid posting in this one as to not be so easily identified...then again, nobody ever accused you of being bright!
@GreySeal9 said:
@scottpsfan14 said:
Lol look at the butthurt this game is causing. If it was an exclusive to PC or Xbox, you all wouldn't shut up about it. But we all know cows are the most discriminated people on System Wars. It's a fantastic looking game. By far the best looking souls game to date in fact. Deal with it lems and hermits.
Looks like the indifference to this game ITT is making you butthurt.
Oh look, if it isn't GreySeal posting in another Bloodborne related thread as if he doesn't care about the game, along with freedomfreak (again first to post lol) lostrib, mems and the idiot Sungenz. All the usual suspects present lol.
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