Oh yes 1 more win for blu-ray
More disappointing news for HD DVD came today with the results of Nielsen Video Scan's sales data for high definition DVDs. According to the firm, Blu-ray movies outsold HD DVD2-to-1 for the third month in a row. "
According to the report, Blu-ray outsold HD-DVD an impressive 9:2 while dominating the top sellers list. The only HD-DVD movie to even make an appearence on the list was "The Departed
On April 15th, members of the AVS Forum organized a HD-DVD buying spree with the hopes of overtaking the monthly dominated Blu-ray sales. AVS members chose April 15th because it would mark the one year anniversary of HD-DVD. This structured spending spree was clearly labeled a success as retailers witnessed thousands of HD-DVD titles being bought off of Amazon and other major HD-DVD retailers such as Best Buy.
In retaliation, the Blu-ray camp and PlayStation fanbase, out of surprise at the success of the stunt, decided to hold their own "Buy-A-Thon," but vowed to accomplish even greater sales numbers...
Light Blue = Blu-ray
Black = Hd-dvd
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