I've noticed alot of threads on Blu-Ray attacking lately. So I figured I'd step in with a few points on why its a good thing, not a bad thing. Keep in mind how yes it is expensive, but for the long run its well worth it. We all know that when it is double layed it can hold up to a 50 gig game which by the way means it could possibly hold 60 to 70 gigs of compressed data if needed right? So we have huge potential in the future.
1.) Developer worrie. What I mean here is when a developer puts togather there so called idea for a game, they have the constraint of a 9 gig disc. Go ahead and flame about multi disc games are not a big deal in cost. But no matter how many disc long they still have to apply the market price for a game (360 and PS3 is $59.99) Now, extra disc eat up that margin of revenue bit by bit. And games that sell in mass amounts, well you get the picture the more the variable cost of that extrad cd in every case as well as the different case molding, burn time switching cd programs in factory etc. So with this in mind on the PS3 the developer really has no worrie whats so ever of moving past boundaries. Does every developer have to use up 50 gigs? Nah, but we already know some PS3 games spill over to 14 to 18 gigs now. Resistance 14, Motorstorm was 17 gigs.
2.) Developer imagination. PS3 games will be less likely to be restricted to the same textures over and over again. For example when the first Id soft game wolfestein game came out. Its lack of memory gave the hallways all through the game the same design and color. Same goes for the first three mario brother games. Maybe this gives freedom to more enemy designs or vehicle designs. More voice acting allowed to be stored, etc.
3.) Hard Drive savings. Like likely to need download content, or expansions if they gave it all to us up front. Releaving the hd on our system for just game saves.
4.) Convience. Simply, for lazyness so we don't have to change cd's.
5.) Quality of images. More storage equals better quality visuals in media. Because a game now hold high definition video with out the expense of eating up a 9 gig disc. So goes for visuals I suppose.
Just some minor factors of the advantage of Blu-ray on my PS3.
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