Ok those of you saying "Since MGS4 is 50+gigs on bluray it means it will take 6 dvds to make" is absolutely wrong! Bluray is for native HD resolutions. MGS4 is being made in 1080p which takes up tons of space, then add uncompressed audio which takes up lots off space too! If the game wasn't in HD then it would fit on about 3 dvds. Note how DMC4, COD4 and other games fit the same on bluray and dvds, this is bc these games are made at 600p resolution. Also note if u want HD movie you need either hd-dvd or bluray bc once the video is made into HD it needs more space.
Of course bluray can be filled with more textures and animations etc.. my point is that 50gig of bluray is not the same as 50gig of several dvds. If MGS4 were to be made on 360 it would just drop the resolution (480p is also on the bluray disc), compress the audio and save tons of space (and obviously fix up code to run on 360), its more complicated....i know, but in general this is what take up the most space.
I also read an interview with kojima talkign abotu bluray disc and he said that yeah bluray disc hold alot of data but once u consider HD video and the high quality audio the disc fills up really quickly
NOTE im a huge MGS4 fan. Laslty this game will push ps3's like crazy, those who disagree are extremely ignorant.
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