First off, I'm not saying "all" boss fights suck, everything has exceptions yes I know blah blah blah spare me.
The majority of boss fights in video games blow imo (so that if it wasn't clear before, I'm speaking from my personal experiences).
When I think boss fight, I think of a challenge that requires you to use your entire arsenal of skills to overcome a difficult adversary. Something that requires the player essentially be at the skill level the game requires of him/her to successfully meet upcoming challenges. The vast majority of games I've played actually blow at this. Boss fights become "hit stupidly obvious weak point" rinse and repeat" or, "now you are playing a puzzle game, have fun". Hell sometimes its "do exactly what you were doing on every other enemy before except heal more and hit it longer than a normal enemy". Now I understand for some games this is alright (context is everything right?) but far too many games and developers just suck ass at creating engaging boss fights. Its better to have no boss fights than shiitty boss fights 9 times out of 10. (you all know what games I'm talking about) I'm also not insisting that the fight needs to be "hard", it just needs to engagae the player and have them employ tactics to a higher degree than the challenges before it. Discuss.
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