If you really want to send GameSpot a message that firing HONEST people so that the website can become DISHONEST is not acceptable to gamers, then call a general boycott on ANY MAIN PAGE ADVERTISER.
Currently that advertiser is Mountain Dew. ---- BOYCOTT MOUNTAIN DEW -----
If you are sickened by the corruption of this once amazing website, then please post this on any forum as many times as you can. Together we will get the attention of the CNET suits. Let us take aim at the only thing they care about: Their wallets.
MODS: You are going to have to decide which side you are on. Are you a tool for the suits that will do their bidding to squash this resistance? Or you a gamer that will stand up for honesty, integrity, and all the editors at GameSpot that have given us so many years of great entertainment. My sympathy to the entire GameSpot staff. Thank you for everything. Down with the lying suits.
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