Killer Instinct is looking better and better with even more evidence that they are focusing on getting the gameplay perfect first and foremost. They are tweaking it to perfection and ensuring the characters are varied and balanced. Commentary by Filthy Rich of Double Helix and Maximillian/Nicholas Cage/lead singer of Nickleback.
It's nice to see a dev say they are listening to the people and then actually show that they are. :)
All in all, this gives skilled players even more and more ways to punish button mashers :twisted:
Some of the highlights are:
* Noticeably increased overall combat speed
* Greater variation of speed between light/medium/heavy combos
* Smaller Combo Breaker window and tweaks to the CB system to make them less prevelant
* Increased penalty for failed Combo Breaker attempts
* Viewable area increases as characters move further apart
* Glacius can now hold his Hail for a delayed release of up to 4 seconds
* NEW - Shadow Combo Breakers allow you to use KV meter to Combo Break into your own Combo! Not OP because A) it uses half your precious KV meter and B) HIGHLY punishable if you mis-time it.
* Several tweaks and balances made to linkers and autodoubles that allow for more variation in combo mixups(Sabrewulf will be a NIGHTMARE in the hands of a pro)
* Jago can no longer loop the same Shadow moves with his linkers
* Rep drops Orchids name during interview, not official confirmation but worthy of note, why use her to make his point?
* More polish to the characters, especially Glacius(slight changes and translucency) and Sabrerwulf
* The stage has visual reactions and changes during the Ultra Combos (Thunder stage - random lightning strikes, rains torrentially until water pools onto the ground, looks amazing)
So much has yet to be announced, it's going to be glorious!
Pt.1 with Filthy Rich and Max
Pt.2 with Filthy Rich and Max, gets pretty technical, shows off the awesome Ultra stage effects for Thunders stage at about 8:26
Rep drops Orchid's name at 2:22
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