You have to understand, the PS4 just broke all time records. The PS4 is the fastest selling console ever
There is too much demand for the PS4
And according to official stats, only 1-5% of PS4's have "bricked"
So i would rather Sony ship more PS4s to stores instead, so that more people can buy it and enjoy the PS4 as much as every one else is!
The very rare tiny amount of people who had a PS4 brick on them are just going to have to wait until Feburary. Its NOT A BIG DEAL at all.
You xboners certainly have NO room to talk after Microsoft's RROD fiasco against consumers
This is just desperate xboners in damage control mode after the all time success of the PS4 and trying to take any bad PS4 news they can get and blowing it way out of proportion
Keep trying! NOTHING IS STOPPING this PS4 freight trane!
Again, check the stats, only 1-5% of PS4's have "bricked
Thats really good, but of course in this day and age of the internet where any one can get on the internet and anonymously complain, the issue will be blown up way bigger than what it eally is
When anyone complains of a bricked PS4, i demand visual evidence or else i disregard it.
Sony is still acting upon it and doing as best as they can, but shipments to stores HAVE to be the bigger priority
THEN they can make shipments to replace the 2% of bricked PS4s out there
Hell, it took Microsoft 2 YEARS to do ANYTHING about RROD which was a MUCH BIGGER ISSUE, So xboners need to shut their mouths. Microsoft is BEYOND INCOMPETENT. You have it twisted, Microsoft is awful. Screw Microsoft and their shitty under-powered, over-priced, NSA spying xbone!
P.S Ive been loving my PS4! Killzone and Knack have ben amazing! Thank you Sony
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