Seriously guys, this game looks incredible and is out this year, yet nobody seems to acknowledge its existance. Perhaps it's because of all the shooters releasing before christmas, but i'd say this one is definately worth a look.
For starters, graphics whores should have nothing to complain about. The character models are incredible, as are the lighting effects and the explosions. It's probably the only game to have been shown off a couple of years ago as a tech demo which hasn't received a significant downgrade since.
It's also awesome because unlike the last-gen Brothers in Arms games, you can play it as a first person shooter rather than just as a strategy game. You had a weapon in BiA 1, but pointing it and shooting at an enemy wouldn't do anything (not often at least) - you had to use your team.
Now you can do both. All of the original strategy and flanking is still there, only now you play like a traditional FPS game too.
Also, a cover system similar to Rainbow Six has been implemented, which seems to be a new standard with shooting games. Your men also have stances, whereby they will always move quickly and quietly while whispering to each other when there are no enemies present. If conflict breaks out, they will starts screaming and frantically running from place to place. Morale is a factor as in the last games. You have to do what you can to ensure your men dont panic.
Your men also have names, stories and personalities. They're not the usual faceless cannon fodder you get in so many games.
Watch the awesomeness:
Gameplay part 1
Gameplay part 2
Gameplay part 3
EDIT: i also forgot about more awesomeness; the game will automatically detect cool or awesome moments such as a headshot or a crazy grenade landing somewhere brutal, at which point the camera will detach and let you watch it in slow motion, rather than having scripted events like COD or Medal of Honour. It's all dynamic.
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