everyones got a different opinion on this game, some either love it, others hate it, those who have only played the demo and or dismissed it as a Crass Gears of War clone have done themselves an Injustice and robbed themselves of the Early contender for game of the year in a 2011 thats stacked.
but even with all that competition Bulletstorm stands out. is it crass, YES, its supposed to be in your face, but all that is a cover up for what is easilly the best game so far of 2011. i cant get enough of putting this game over. thanks Cliffy B and EPIC!
Bulletstorm Last call Video. a Vid about some of the Twisted Humor in this game.
in this vid we see how Bulletstorms graphics ( which have been dismised by haters for some odd reason?? ) leave everything else past, present or presumed ( on ANY console ) in the dust. Bulletstorm looks Especially amazing on the 360.
the Unreal 3 engine was optimized for this game and this is just a taste of what gears of war 3 will look like.
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