I just bought my first ever PS3 two weeks ago and it was the 80gb 4USB Motorstorm pack (Used on craiglist). I did not want the slim because I won't be able to install linux, can't play ps2 games, slower Blu-ray drive (by one second). Broughtit home, played the first 5 minutes of uncharted 2, then it froze after the cutscene. At first I thought it was my disc, but took out my disc and it was a smooth as butter. Tried RE5, but it froze while installing. Long story short, after a long fight with the previous owner, I finally got $230 back (originally Bought it for $290).
I'm off the look for a slim now (Out of stock at all electronic stores), and I will start new with a one year warranty, brand new Blu-ray drive and lens, no more Disc read errors, no more over heating. Even if it does, I have a one year warranty...
Advice, Get the slim, the older models come with so many problems that are not worth the PS2 compatability, not worth Linux, not worth the useless 4 usb, not worth thememory card slot that can view photos but no videos, not worth the disc read errors, the blu-ray issues.
The slim is a fix of what the older models should've been. Trust me, all those other specs that come with the older Gen fat PS3's are not worth the Cost for repair, $150-$170.
Stick to the slim, fresh start, fixed console, fresh one year warranty, new Blu-ray drive (Not the old BR drive that causes so many disc reading/ freezing issues), Old PS3's are not worth it
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