People complaining about both Sony and Microsoft buying out 3rd party games and get mad at them for doing so but shouldn't we also be focusing our anger at the developers/publishers as well after all it takes two to tango in selling out.
Buying 3rd parties has become huge this gen since developers willingly making 3rd party exclusives for consoles is gone outside of Japan and indies becoming more available on consoles.
Should we not be more mad at the fact that AAA devs/pubs will easily sell out for a couple of dollars and they're not even selling out as full exclusives just timed exclusive games and DLC. It shows they have no loyalty to their supporters of other platforms like how Activision easily ditched Xbox and made Call of Duty's timed DLCs home Playstation and Xbox One versions may end up being crap now that there are more PS4s than X1s. It is also moronic for gamers to get happy over timed DLC being exclusive you're getting happy over the fact the company gets to butt pound you first.
Indies sell out easily, like some Indie devs that are still in Steam Early Access selling out so soon and already working on a console version when the PC version isn't even done end up slowing the progress of the game and even focusing on the console version more or the game ends up like crap because of split resources.
There desperation to succeed ends up blinding them as they'll shut off other potential platform revenue sources just because Sony or Microsoft offered them a couple of dollars to keep it exclusive forever or for several months. The desperation to get their 5 seconds of fame not even 5 minutes. For every Rocket League and Cuphead every other indie that sells out pretty much goes unnoticed in gaining popularity.
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