Suits in an industry for creative minds. All these companis needs to run a good business, make profit, survive, prosper. There is however a difference between being simply a suit, and being a business that balances creativity and vision with it's business plans. The gaming industry doesn't need Microsoft's and Activisions, it needs Sony's, Nintendo's, Valve's, Blizzard's and so on, companies that know how to take your money and still make you feel like they deserve it, give you your money's worth, not nickle and dime you and throw you into situation where you either give up your moral ideal or miss out on important aspects of gaming this generation.
Just like what happened in the PC gaming world, evenutally everyone caught on to MS's shady way of doing business, and everyone started to hate them, I firmly believe by next gen a HUGE part of 360 fans will follow the same route.
What do you guys think? You like the way MS does things? Already hate them? Agree? Disagree?
Bold = Interesting lol. So lets start off with SONY. Just explain how Sony who realesed a £600 console with the motto "people will work harder to get one, it will install disipline" + NO dualshock controller who needs that + tagged on motion controlls which noone uses to any decent effect. Lets also add the none existant HDMI cable or HD cable straight from the box. So far not looking so different from how the 360 was done but costing less to actually buy the machine with better games from launch time.
Nintendo? I am no way a fan of motion gimick controllers nor the lack of new gaming characters and story lines + the lack of decent online ability and the view of "graphics do not matter". Also casual market is obvs the best way to goooo
Valve; these are interesting because I see constant support of TF2 yet no support for CSS for the past 8934893 year its been out until recently the micky mouse upgrade that was not worth it imo. Then you have the Half life series which is spread out over so many years for such little playing time it seems a little bit stupid + portal the game that either you loved or hated. I was more the hated it after a while since it got annoying and a bit samey samey.
Blizzard seem to produce decent games which stay decent for years upon years and are truely the PC dev. I can't stand WoW I can not think of a more boring pointless game if I tried. It lacks so many things and the visuals make my eyes bleed. However starcraft 2 looks awesome although the hype of the actual modding seems a bit overestimate of what is actually possible. The racing and TPS looks to be tacked on and no real use for anything "awesome".
What happened to the PC gaming world? The exact same thing would happen if each console manufactor made 83748738473 configurations of hardware. Add on the threat of virus + massive costs (you go into PC world, Dell etc and find a computer that can run games cheaply) + WoW and the horribly support for community which will drop games in second if they do not like having full control. Pc gaming is not dieing its just evolving; not into anything that will give constant mega selling games but the occasional gem.
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