Before you all tar and feather me, look below. These are from IGN, which basically cried while adulating the game.
Now, don't get me wrong. I could fall in love with this game simply because I cry inside when I see a game with 60 FPS on both platforms. Howveer, don't you notice the jaggies? The low res textures? Yech, look at those hands. It doesn't look ugly, no, but it looks almost exactly like I remember Call of Duty 2 looking.
These are multiplayer shots from the Xbox 360 Beta build of the game as shown by IGN.
That's a Call of Duty 2 shot from IGN. Yes, kind of an unfair comparison, given PC versus 360, but at the same time, I'm truly disappointed. This game won best graphics awards from three publications: Gamespot, Gametrailers, and IGN. And, seriously, I wouldn't call it so much of a progression as a step in a backwards direction visually. Let alone, it cannot even encroach upon the spectacular visuals of Crysis. Killzone 2 was not playable at E3 (and was excluded from comparison) but certainly did look notably better. Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Mass Effect, Bioshock....why was this game even nominated, let alone winning at three publications?
Here's an Xbox 360 shot of Call of Duty 2 for comparison:
And a final PC shot:
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