I don't really understand graphics, as a whole. In one cornor I hear that the Xbox has very slightly better graphics. However is this interview with Steven Ter Heide (producer of Killzone) and he said "Large quantities of data can be streamed because we have a great deal of storage capacity. This allows for the level of detail you can see in the game." To me the more detail= better graphics. How does the storage cpacity on disks help with graphics vs. the graphics card?
(Please no flaming, only post if you have something useful to say)
this is interesting, because 360 has nothing on heavy rain or killzone 2 (im sure alan wake DX10 PC wont look nething close on 360), and crysis cant be run on PS3, but PC has nothing that can outshine heavy rain, or KZ2 in graphics (im not saying crysis is bad, i just mean like a game that really makes those look like crap so dont flame me...) but in the long run id say...
1st/2ndPC orPS3
3rd Xbox 360
4th Wii
PS3 has better grpahics than 360, because the RSX is compairable to the 360's graphics card alone, but the PS3s Cell can boost the RSX, and do textures, and other things taking most of the work off of the RSX, even then the cell has never used more than 3 of its 8 SPEs though 1 is used for the OS so really 7, unless somehting is patched to free that up its 7. also the PS3 has a HDD (manditory)which the 360 dosnt, so the PS3 can install games ro reduce load times, and allow for faster streaming, much like a PC.
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