@goldenelementxl said:
I agree with Halo not really being enough of an arena shooter to compare it to the real arena shooters. But I think @DragonfireXZ95 is on to something with the stakes being raised in BR's vs traditional COD type shooters. You can make a mistake in TDM and respawn like its no big deal. In a BR, its game over. I used to have fun playing COD here and there, but now it feels pointless. That could just be fatigue finally setting in too I guess.
There being more options in the tactical shooter space is also eating into COD's significance. And again, I think it's because the stakes are raised in those types of games.
Stakes rising is part of the problem for casuals. The pulse pounding tension doesn't happen till way late in the game, normies don't care to be punished. Its why they respond well to games where getting kills are easier, as opposed to games where you gotta work for your kills (Arena shooters).
The one life shit is whatever, its the fact that's there is an element of randomness and there are so many players, and thus so many losers that takes all the heat off. In a 1v1, there is no getting around the fact that you suck. There is no "well I had a good game at least". In a 4v4 some what similar scenario, little less pressure because it's not all on you. There is a ramp up in tension in these games, which makes them fun, to say the least. And they are a better use of CoD's basic bitch mechanics, than actual CoD, but it aint some "increased stakes" shit lol.
Beyond that what added competition in the tac shooter space. Siege and Valorant are the only big things of note, and they are more competition to a game like CS than CoD. CoD isn't exactly a tac shooter, given its bread n butter was TDM, not so much search n destroy. At least its broader appeal was around its rpg meta game bs.
@goldenelementxl said:
Yeah, I knew they'd been messing with loadouts, but couldn't remember which ones exactly. I only played swat and arena in Halo 5. And in those modes, the game just doesn't have the arena shooter feel. The mechanics are just far too different.
Swat is more like warm up mode/has some appeal to a CoDish crowd since its just precision gun and headshot insta kills. But Arena is where Halo's arena shooter principles shine.
Lack of loadouts, everyone is equal starts, weapon pick ups on map, and thus a need to control specific parts of the map n territory to go along side with being mindful of spawns n weapon timers n shit. Halo just also has more of a focus on its grenade n melee hot keys, and a weapon limit system.
Without the raw speed of an arena shooter as well, tho 5 has some cool tech for building speed n getting around the map quickly.
@shadyacshuns said:
Terribad idea to change melee, reload, aim etc. throughout the series.
hmmmm? The older control schemes are still in the game.
@sargentd said:
@jg4xchamp fair enough, Its some what of an arena hybrid, much closer to arena shooter than anything else on consoles. Weapon Placement for one and tighter vertical maps. Infinite seems to be picking up on the movement speed tho which I like. Movement looks fluid really like how the slide brings in more momentum on slopes. also grapple hook. I like that shit. The movement is good.
People keep assuming I'm trying to compare halo to UT and quake
and no halo does not have strafing, bunny hops, and rocket jumps.
But it is more of an arena shooter than a COD, OW, or CSGO
Props on the Shyway vid, dude is a fucking king.
It's definitely of that lineage since its from that era of games right. So it's still got a lot of what made shooters work that way, but the speed is a huge part of creating what is the arena shooter. Like Halo is, I guess it sort of is baby arena shooter, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. As a lot of why Halo's popularity went down is just as much that getting kills in halo is more work than getting kills in CoD or butt royale games n such.
But I don't think Halo can kick start a return of the arena shooter. It's not that type of game, you would need a Quake or Unreal like experience to do that, and they keep not being able to pull it off.
I'm not super impressed by infinite's movement, like there is no conversation to be had we are going backwards in that department from 5, but luckily Infinite is aiming for less aim assist on the guns, less bullet magnetism (if there is a fucking god no more heavy aim ever the **** again), the increased base speed means sprint is really only there to enhance slide. It still feels like a bit of a middle ground between classic Halo and movement Halo, only this game might benefit from a more fully featured multiplayer.
But I don't think 5's gameplay was the short coming for that game, the staggered content release, the gimped BTB, those were far more damning.
Beyond that, this whole need for Halo to be some megaton (not that you're saying it, just seems to be the common trend in these halo threads) hit is a bit nauseating of a convo. Halo's plenty successful as is and has a healthy active community. I would much rather have a good multiplayer game with a respectable skill ceiling, than for it to be getting CoD numbers. The latter does nothing for me.
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