Someone made a thread about how 360 has no rpgs worthwhile, but then goes on to list WKS in the same breath as FF13.
Tri-Ace has made better games than anything Level 5 did, yet they get disregarded?
Boggles my mind.
Radiata Stories, Valkryie Profile:Silmeria, Star Ocean 3, Valkryrie Profile, Star Ocean:The Second Story.
Dark Cloud, Dark Cloud 2, Rogue Galaxy, Jeanne D'Arc.
There is no comparison.
No sir, are YOU kidding me? While it is all opinion, I much prefer Level 5 games to those made by Tri-Ace. Of your entire Tri-Ace list, the only one I enjoyed at all was Star Ocean 2 on the PS1. I felt that Star Ocean 3 was a boring a sloppy mess, that Radiata had amazing pacing issues that induced sleep like comas, and that Valkyrie Profile never knew which direction it should be going in and neither did the people playing it.
Dark Cloud and Dark Cloud 2 are RPG games at there experimentative best. They offer unqiue storylines coupled with an action RPG system and "city builder." Rogue Galaxy was expansive, beautiful, and difficult enough to keep my attention while giginv me enough story to keep me from passing out. Jeanne D'arc, which I feel to be Level 5's best game, is what I consider to be the TRUE successor to Final Fantasy Tactics from PS1. It took nearly everything that made that game amazing and updated it.
I enjoyed SO2 & VP... but yea, Level 5 has made the better games overall. Definitely more inventive, which is a major factor for me as an rpg gamer.
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