It's so HUGE in Japan that the DS will continue to flourish.
Most of the big sellers there will be eventually localized to the west keeping the library alive and healthy. For example, Hotel Dusk, Phoenix Wright 2, and now Lunar Knights just came out within these past two months. And within a few months later, Disney Meteos, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, and Zelda Phantom Hourglass will be out. How much cooler can you get with the DS's already appealing library? From a developer's point of view, it's also cheaper to develop for the DS. Plus, since it's the most popular and the best selling system last year worldwide, it's just gonna keep getting better because developers would want to take advantage of the investment and profit it brings.
And to add, Pokemon alone sold over 5 million units. And when DQIX comes out, it alone will break the records for both Diamond and Pearl games. Let's not forget Final Fantasy Revnant Wings, or Final Fantasy Tactics A2. With support like this, can the DS dominance ever crack?
And if by some supernatural force the DS happens to slow down in a few years from now, all Nintendo has to do is grace the system with New Super Mario Bros. 2, Metroid Prime Hunters 2, Zelda Phantom Hourglass 2, Star Fox Command 2, Nintendogs 2, Mario vs. Donkey Kong 3, etc., get the idea. Nintendo's powerful first-party software alone will keep the DS alive and kicking (even dominating) all the way until, let's say, DS 2 comes out. Do I hear Super Smash Bros. for the DS announced by the end of this year? *wink*wink*
I don't think the DS will ever slow down as long as Nintendo and Japan is around.
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