The PS3 Slim and the price drop are all anyone are talking about these past few days so I decided to take a poll.
In one corner we have the fact that the PS3 80gb is already sold out in MANY retail locations. This site:
says that many retail locations are sold out and somewhere on the same site it says that 6 people were outside of Best Buy waiting before it opened to buy a PS3. The fact that sales have been very low is likely because people knew the price cut was coming. If 120K people in the US bought PS3s when a price drop was common knowledge to anyone who did research then imagine what will happen with new hardware and a $100 price drop. The PS3 was also outsold by the 360 last quarter by only 100K units (worldwide). Not bad.
In the other corner we have a huge install base that will likely encourage people to go out and buy one. The fact that if you ever wanted to play online with someone you know it would probably be on CoD4 or Halo via Xbox Live. It is possible that the 360 sells because it sold earlier. Why own a 360 if no one has one? Why own a PS3 if no one has one. The logic may stay the same for years. Also Halo and Gears are HUGE. Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, and even Killzone aren't known enough to sell the system a purchase of the system.
Personally, I think it could go either way. If enough people think they are getting a $600 machine for only $300 that may sway some buyers. Then again the argument that it has no games doesn't seem to go away. What do you guys think?
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