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what ppl think of games is just opinion. what ppl actually put down money for is fact. you might not like it but the winner in the console war is always the one that has the most marketshare.
remember that what we on this forum thing is a great game may not be what the average console/game buyers thinks. Eventually the whole definition of what is a "good" game may chance just like fashion.
PS2 had the best games and the most systems sold. As of now that can't be said of the Wii.jbeen
it's less than a year old. when the ps2 came out the DC had a much better library but the ps2 quickly eclipsed it in sales. it wasn't till much latter that the library caught up too.
So here is system wars the PC has won? Long live the PC.
PC always wins if it's included. that's why ppl usually talk consoles. the only cons for the pc are price and complexity. and the price difference is now less with the price on this gens systems. upgrading a new pc to a gaming pc is the same cost. (if you buy a new pc every 5 years)
I have seen numerous threads of sheep planting there flags on the mountain and calming victory of the system wars. That is right the Wii has taken over Greenland and has declared victory over the world.... Wait. Maybe not. Even if the Wii sells the most consoles does that mean it is the best? Is it possible that it can sell the most systems this genand still loose? Look at is this way. Some of the best games of this gen (AAA titles) have not been released nor will they ever be released for the Wii, Why? well could you imagine playing Bioshock, Resistance or Oblivion on the Wii? the control might be cool but the game would be so downgraded graphically (and audio) that it would be unplayable. The Wii will loose out or more AAA 3rd party games then any of the other 3 (360, ps3 or PC), and this is winning? And while I know that none of the other three i mentioned above will be able to play Mario or Zelda or anyofNintendo's first party gamesI think the Wii's looses more thanthey gain. And I do admire Nintendo's marketing plan to bringvideo games to the masses I think overall the Wii not being able to play the best of the 3rd party games this gen will, in the long run, will hurt it. So what i am saying is if you are a true gamer it is imposable to own a Wii and not have one of the other 3 systems if you want to get the best games. While you could own just a PC, 360or ps3 and not miss out on nearly as many great titles.jbeen
i mean thats what its doing now isnt it?
It's to early to claim a winner here. We will find out who won when the next generation beginns. But I don't see the Wii on the #1 spot for long. By this time next will loose #1. Just wait and see!!Playstation97
to whom will it lose #1 to? 360 has a chance but it's near impossible for the ps3 to overtake the wii by this time next year. the wii would have to sell 0 while the ps3 would have the sell more than double what it's already sold for that to happen.
[QUOTE="Playstation97"]It's to early to claim a winner here. We will find out who won when the next generation beginns. But I don't see the Wii on the #1 spot for long. By this time next will loose #1. Just wait and see!!Ontain
to whom will it lose #1 to? 360 has a chance but it's near impossible for the ps3 to overtake the wii by this time next year. the wii would have to sell 0 while the ps3 would have the sell more than double what it's already sold for that to happen.
Yes the 360 has a chance but I expect big things from the PS3 next year with the arrival of MGS4.....and no one looks at the PS3 eyetoy now, but it has far greater potential than the Wiimote.
It's to early to claim a winner here. We will find out who won when the next generation beginns. But I don't see the Wii on the #1 spot for long. By this time next will loose #1. Just wait and see!!Playstation97
Can I borrow that crystal ball sometime buddy?:roll:
[QUOTE="Ontain"][QUOTE="Playstation97"]It's to early to claim a winner here. We will find out who won when the next generation beginns. But I don't see the Wii on the #1 spot for long. By this time next will loose #1. Just wait and see!!Playstation97
to whom will it lose #1 to? 360 has a chance but it's near impossible for the ps3 to overtake the wii by this time next year. the wii would have to sell 0 while the ps3 would have the sell more than double what it's already sold for that to happen.
Yes the 360 has a chance but I expect big things from the PS3 next year with the arrival of MGS4.....and no one looks at the PS3 eyetoy now, but it has far greater potential than the Wiimote.
The PS3 eyetoy is the equivelant of the fitness pad.if u ignore any platform...ure going to miss out. this cannot be denied imho. every platform has its first and 3rd party exclusives and many will be great. wii is absolutely no exception to this. every gamer shoudl at least try MP3 on the exceptions. a new control scheme for consoles for the FPS genre....hasnt been seen in 10 years (hell hasnt changed much in 15+ years on PC). seriously if u say u love playing games then u have to try it. u may not like it...u may think "meh" or u may go wow but u should really really try it if at all possible.
ive been gaming 19 years on loads of platforms, from the BBC and atari 2600 to the 360 and my newish PC (see sig). as a gamer of 19 years....wii fascinates me. and theres no way in hell im missing out on games like MP3, galaxy, zack and wiki, no more heros and loads more. games have been poor so far (bar some exceptions like TP), some have been dire but this is a long road. ignore the wii and u will miss out on alot of class (and that applies to all platforms) and alot of new and interesting ideas.
ignore wii and u will miss out....that simple.
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