[QUOTE="rjdofu"]Biggest E3 flops of all time and you've already hype for the next year? People never learn.dream431ca
The reason why this E3 wasn't exciting for any console manufactures is because it's the "end of gen" E3. There really is not to much left to announce for current consoles. I think both Microsoft and Sony want to announce next year. If they both announce new consoles at the same time next year, System Wars and E3 are gonna explode, especially if Star Wars 1313 or Watch Dogs is captured by Sony or Microsoft as a console exclusive (we already know that these titles were played on PC for the demos they showed).
Actually the reason it wasn't so good was because
Sony announcing a book instead of it's games and then one of their most wanted games is a no show again.
M$ announcing that their future involves video streaming and blah blah things that people most likely not use much.
Nintendo talking and talking and talking not showing almost anything about their new console to try to get people to buy it.
The other companies blasting off with sequels... and sequels... and sequels.....
and worst of all... they kinda spoiled the beans on almost everything before E3. Is like everything has been discussed before E3.
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