Xbox 360 has:
Better Multiplats (Graphics Wise/Performance Wise)
Reliable and functional online
Kinect that revolutionizes Motion gaming
Better Controller
Gears Of War 3, Forza 4 and other plethora of exclusives
What does PS3 have to offer aside from the recent titles: inFLOPamous 2 and FLOPzone 3. Originality please?
Multiplats? Oh you mean like LA Norie, FF13, Dead Space?Reliable online? How are those COD hacks on XBL going?
Kinect revolutionized gaming? Oh you mean the PlayStation Eyetoy?
Better controller? Maybe for shooters yes, but they are about the same thing as the DS3 controller.
And what the hell are plethora exclusives? And yeah 2 Xbox 360 exclusives that aren't Kinect only titles. As for PS3.... Starhawk, Resistance 3, Uncharted 3, inFamous 2, Agent (confirmed it's still in development), and the rumored "Sly 4".
Multiplats? Bayonetta, Red Dead Redemption, Fallout 3 says hi and 98% of Multiplats with less choppy framerates and fast updates
Reliable Online? How's the maintenance going?
Yes. it revolutionizes motion gaming
Yes. it has better controller I've listed 360's exclusives a while ago ;)
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