im just tired off all the comparisons for PS3 games, and hell, even 360 games to far ive seen at least
Heavenly sword vs GEAR ZOMG!!!!
LAIR draw distance and 2048348230 enemies vs little place GEARS ROFL!1111!!!11!!1!1
Uncharted Charecter models more Realistic than GEARS LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
MGS4 is a THEATER vs Gears DVD hahahahhaa
I notice that in every comparison thiers always a specific thing that looks better than the amount of enimies is more techincally impressive, or lets lay down the ground rules for a respectable debate on better graphics shall we?:
1. if u only find one aspect that is debatablly better...thats not = better graphics...
2. I kno its hard but try to compare games that are in the same genre...comparing a dragon flying game vs gears is stupid...neither r ever gonna look better cause theyre too different, its like comparing rachet and clank to Gran Turismo...its just retarded.
3. This one u might wanna write down...i know it wont be followed but If u can push the fanboy out of u....DONT COMPARE GEARS TO GAMES THAT ARENT OUT YET. Personallly i think the Halo3 beta is what the halo mp is gonna look like, but its still stupid to talk about graphics in a game thats not leads to such things as
a. but teh alpha/beta
b. bu bu teh downgradde
So, in all, if its at least the same art style, its out NOW, and in most aspects it looks better than gears, cows, ill be the first lemming to admit it, otherwise, just stooooop flooding the boards
(PS-HERMITS notice how i said console and ps3, dont bring the crysis bull s h i t in here, i dont care)Â
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