Poll Can you handle the TRUTH about the FUTURE OF GAMING and what supporting MS's "vision" means for YOU!? (22 votes)
Reported to you by long time Xbox enthusiast and xbox focused game channel, MBG!
A POWERFUL heartfelt message from an Xbox fan, speaking only as a fan of console gaming. If you're a console gamer this may be the most powerful message you can hear going into the next generation.
This video is also aimed at addressing slanted information spread by certain users on this board about Sony's opinion of cloud gaming.
After watching this, ask yourself an important question.
Do you support this new "vision" for gaming or not?
If this "vision" is going to be the future of console gaming are you someone who wants to support it or do you stand against the disintegration of console gaming for the monetization and removal of game ownership rights by these companies?
The reality is, if you support any of these non-hardware, disk-free "services" that aim to remove ownership of your games then you are in fact empowering these companies to kill of console gaming.
This is not focused specifically on MS, but they are a huge factor in pushing this no ownership, pay-by-the-minute games future. Personally, don't support ANY company trying to remove my ownership rights and refuse to $upport their services telling them that this is what I want. I would quit gaming before I subscribe to the bastardization of console gaming that I grew up with as stated by MBG.
What's you opinion on a streaming only future for gaming?
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