Gamespot: Hands on Spyborgs
Spyborgs was first revealed by Capcom back in June 2008, and since then developer Bionic Games has changed it up quite a bit. For a start, it's scrapped the fake advertisement mini-games, while retaining the Saturday morning cartoon feel, and has also "aged up" the gameplay which it hopes will suit a more hardcore Wii audience.
The game's developers drew comparisons to other action games including Final Fight, Streets of Rage, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, and even Konami's ****c Simpsons arcade beat 'em up. Spyborgs has 36 levels in total and our demo covered mansion, lab and industrial environments, eventually moving to rooftop boss battle against a huge robot.
We saw a range of different enemies, including easy-to-defeat grunts, cybernetic soldiers with grenade launchers, spider-like tanks, and the big boss (which is taken from the eighth level in the game). The robot packs a serious punch, and possesses wrist-mounted machine guns, shoulder-mounted rockets and an optical laser blast. The game is currently at pre-alpha, so Capcom and Bionic Games still have plenty of work ahead of them. One interesting point is that Wii Motion Plus support is planned, including some potential exclusive additional content for those with the Wii peripheral. Spyborgs will be available exclusively on the Nintendo Wii later this year.
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