Not really. it does look good, but it's hardly even the best looking game out there. And considering this isn't some random developer, but id Software to see their new game come out and not raise any graphical bars is just plain dissapointing
You're stretching it, there. Very few games are looking better than Rage at the moment, and of those that are, few look as big in scope, reverent in tiny detail, or rocking the 60 fps id software is boasting.
As a PC gamer I'm sure you're a little bit more educated than the console masses. To say that id Software is not raising any graphical bars is just plain silly. Are you impressed with the smoke-and-mirror engines such as MT Framework which powered games such as Resident Evil 5 and Lost Planet 2? Games which looked absolutely brilliant in screenshots, but when you interact with the world, it feels incredibly fake and intangible?
There's a lot of stuff happening under Rage's hood, and it's impressive. Any developer can create a small corridor, few enemy, post-processing heavy video game that looks superficially pretty (from Guerilla Games, 4A Games, Action Forms), but it takes id Software to make a quasi-sandbox title that runs butter-smooth and still looks as good as it does.
This is 100% true. Idtech 5 is extremely impressive, for a myrid of reasons. Of the very small handfull of games that actually look better then Rage, none of them are doing what Rage is doing.
There is not an engine out there right now that has as much promise to deliver on ultra high fidelity graphics as idtech 5.
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