I don't speak CBOAT so good luck on the translation. :
Grelteetinglz fro the land of ber a&d breaituwirst nd werid porn! gt here a lti whilea ago and tire so dropn this early. then bedthen vist some chruchs nfrienads anrehinpark & workmeetings stguf and thenÂ
see how the lgameflor is latr onthis week.
no live strm for real easons. xbone arcitectu re stil not fuly complet. laterst verson of SDK coupl of weeks ago edropeed d performeance by 15--20% acros teg board. NOW B4 YO^USG ET MAD AT ME XBOTTLES this hapens AL THE TIEM in tconsel dvelopmetn and ist wll evetnaly be fix but nochance for erly oct orelaese or...
..cetain ly notfor al 21 countries. laco zation is abstlut one hguenrd percnt BS. peridd. TRUTHFACT. excuswe nobvdy with comn senes would considre. lok at coutriews droped. Crosf referce against langaues spoken, ofical and otherwi#sE int saidoe coutnreis. Isaidid yieild tissueses 2 mos ago and the chiks navhe come homet t0 oro0ost. Nnknock ons for lauch tittle, l Ssmartlgasls, etc. Instad of 180s 1coherent vision. Pay|n pric enow.
late oct laucnh for ps4.SONY SDKis rede ,ucan basicaly master2 final rigt now.Today.
fy yoi thgouhte poelw er mad about abyoneta going sequeleggy to WeeeeYEWW youl be soemwaht nuhapy babout waht MS i money hateing w/Platfinim/. other jpnj dvs inplay to but KMAIYATown IS ONLY o1 I am solid onon. game NOT for nortamser uior Euroep, btway which maek sno nsense byt hwathever.
bigpark nukd game. twas moba. deadaedead now. awholel studio focusi on TVstuf servcis! al best tale|ntwen to bigtusk or leftSM etnirly./ rarare stil kniect focused, no ater what welse youve herd.
New inde publsih pocliy not set yet. Postlaunch
trutgh fact*#7:Setpember surpsei early.
agpolise ina dvnce. verythign I ssaw over last 24 monts was thatsÂ
nocahcnce of kniectlses sku. soldidconetcrete decsionfirm asÂ
beachvoolleyball buttocks,nomatt (er wath othc chagnes have bcon goin on raound her.
.d....weelll baout that
wihsper of kienct optionsal (not inbox--() sku aerly next yrÂ
mar//aprl. Enouhg smoke nowt hat I dint want to watit until SeptemrÂ
to say.!t. lauhc number falout wil play_ its patrt.
ass stornm is coming.
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