This could be bad for consoles. China has the biggest population in the entire world. You need these people on your side to win in system wars.
As an old school PC gamer myself from the original Starcraft I knew china hated consoles since around 1997.
I used to play all day with people from Hong Kong. This isn't new PC has been the master race this whole entire time.
Even back then I knew the PlayStation era was over.
Now PC is just blowing up you got league of legends millions playing it per day, what console game even comes close to those numbers?
Amazon is building a PC game and RockStar said they want to build a PC online only GTA devs are moving to PC imo.
Sony and Microsoft could have made PC killing consoles like last gen. Imagine if Sony brought back a more powerful cell processor created for high tech military computers. Or Microsoft threw in some nvidia Titans in there consoles at a 399 price tag.
The war could have been over for PC and PCMR would be scrambling to somehow match these prices. No PC would have matched that technology for that price and war would have been over.
Instead they built some weak crap that isn't competitive with PC.
Even mobile is freaking out they know PC is godly and they can't seem penetrate PC gamers into the casual mobile market and are constantly mocked and its having an effect on the casuals are agreeing that mobile is crap now too.and now going to PC with the core.
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