points i wanted to make
1. you named xbox360 the best console of all time
2. you gave grand theft auto 4 a 10, if thats not biased i dont know what is
a. gta 4 was no where near perfect, it had some glitches and bugs that weren't cleared up, thats a big nono.
b. gta 4 is merely an graphics upgrade to its predecessor
c. alot of missions are fetch this at point b and return to point a, oo so fun.
d. onlines shooting isn't better than metal gear solid 4s or cod4, u didn't criticize that.
e. too much cursing than previous games
so much for a fair review, theres alot more that i can say, but this is just the tip of the iceberg, just to show how biased you are.
3. you gave cod4 a 10, the short singleplayer alone should make the 10 a automatic 9, no criticism there?, i saw some textures that didn't look so pretty, its a fun game but its got its fair share of faults and the story isn't that much better than mgs4.
You wana know why mgs4 deserves 9 or 10's cause
1. it has the best story of any game on the market currently, concluding the whole mgs series, answering every questions that wasn't answered in mgs 1 2 3.
2. its cutscenes are very well made and topnotch and INGAME, beat that.
3. the shooting is subpar? please this is a STEALTH game, the extra action option is NEW to this series and I ENJOY it, it isn't the best like counterstrike, but its pretty decent
4. customization of your weapons? nothing cooler than that.
5. graphics are awesome, just look at the character models, its work of genius, even have layers of hair
6. cutscenes are too long? well deal with it, mgs is known to have long cutscenes and interesting, which game has this? none.
much more, but i gota go eat, dont wana waste my breathe on u
so mr. buffalo man , u fail at reviewing games.
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