First off, I apologize to the mods if this is in the wrong forum and ask if you could move it if it is. (I read the forum thread rules so I thought this is okay).
Onto it!
Which of these two SNES jrpg behemoths is better? Or if you think they are equal, which do you prefer personally?
I actually preferred FF VI for years, then I replayed Chrono Trigger, and replayed it again. And now I think Chrono Trigger is better, I think it has a more cohesive story and the characters are more memorable. I also love the non-random battles.
FFVI is without a doubt one of the greatest *games* ever made, id even put it in my top 25 of all time, but CT makes the top ten cut.
P.S. - One thing I noticed, is that with decisions like this i.e. - Megaman 2 vs. Megaman 3, I usually prefer the one I have completed the most recently the best.
So which do you guys like more?
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