@dzimm said:
@uninspiredcup said:
The UI needs scaling for hand-held mod.
Reviewers of Breath of the Wild were too busy kissing rear end to note the obviose small, un-scalable UI was abysmally un-readable in hand-held mode.
It's not unreadable, unless you have really bad eyesight -- in which case you should visit an optometrist. I'm getting to the age where I should probably consider wearing bifocals, and I have no problem with the Breath of the Wild user interface.
It is. You just blurting it out and (incredibly) blaming disability and not the game is laughable.
Most early PC games, particularly strategy titles were build with a small monitor in mind. As in those days most players sat close to the screen.
With the addition and readily available HDMI, most PC games have scalers now. It's common sense. In some cases (Oblivion) they straight up designed a bigger UI for television.
Zelda was clearly designed with fullscreen in mind, with little thought for hand-held mod beyond puzzle gimmicks. I expected nothing less, or as disgusting a comment from Nintendo fanboys trying to blame blindness, than say anything bad about the most-most-game-eva because you're not allowed too.
Overall it should have been scored down for both a terrible UI and weapons breaking constantly. But critics are very bias and expected to give it a high score.
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