This game might be ass cheeks (it's probably ass cheeks), I don't know I haven't played it yet, it was 25 bucks, and I felt like taking one for the team and actually said "**** it, I'm gonna take a blind shot a game." Why? Because I like spy-fiction stuff and more so because the way they described the 2-player broop in this game is rad as hell.
So this no name developer whose game might play like ass cheeks and completely not worthy of my 25 bucks, created a cold war era spy game, where the coop is this asymmetrical thing where one player gets to play the spy, you are basically Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol, and the other player is the dweeby nerdy dude whose hacking stuff and helping out The Cruise Missile, who Cruise Control tells to open that one prison door and stuff in the opening of the movie.
SP wise you have to play as both characters, but as a coop idea, it actually sounds super cool, more importantly it's fucking different from anything else I've seen try this. So there you go @Bobrossperm, this is why the triple A side gets no defense for not coming up with some creative shit.
It's gimmicky, it might have its own short comings (I mean how much variety can you come up with for hacking), but again it would be something different. It makes me wonder why coop is always done in the most static and predictable ways these days or it's a damn horde mode. Like Gears 1 had those moments where your paths would diverge and one player had to take care of one thing , and another took care of something else, and it added to the experience.
And I always wondered why more coop games aren't like that, like what if there were entirely separate missions that had to be played at the same time to get the job done? That would be kind of cool. Or take something like Halo 5 (naturally you don't do this with Halo, but raw concept here), one player plays as Chief doing his march to get his AI poon tang, and the other one plays as Locke as he tries to hunt him down, it's a bit adversarial, but just brain storming here. I want to see someone come up with stuff that isn't the norm, take a shot in the dark.
Other reason I made this topic: Where the **** are my spy games?
How is it that 007 has been on a good run lately and Mission Impossible has had 2 of its better films the last 2 times by, and we can't get a proper spy game from the triple A space? All these pseudo stealth elements being shoe horned into shooters (Uncharted, Tomb Raider, The Last of Us, Watchdogs), where you play a character meant to be more believable, but they have a kill count higher than James Bond? And we can't get more bond.
How is it that Microsoft has Perfect Dark as a IP, and there are countless FPS studios out there they could hire for this project, they could even let 343 take a crack at it so 343 has something else to do in between Halo games. Pretend PD64 and Zero never happened, reboot it, make her more of a spy, make it a third person game, take some cues from the most recent Deus Ex game, and instead of rpg elements, it's about using the cool perfect dark gadgets or something.
Why did Black Tusk who teased what probably looked like a potential spy game get turned into a Gears of War factory?
Why is it that Sony can fund bottled farts, but Syphon Filter (not that the games were good, the concept was good) can't get a proper triple A production from one of their real teams? Or one of their real teams could make something cool instead of butt hole ass infamous or god of war.
Why can't Nintendo...okay let's not even waste our time there.
What if like you made it a rpg, so you like no skill bastards had a chance at competing a stealth game about thinking. And it was like you got to make really cool choices, Obsidian could make it, it would probably be good game. Right? Right?
Point is, dear game industries
1: I'd like some spy stuff back. You don't need to make sequels to No One Lives Forever or Syphon Filter, hell don't make Perfect Dark, ignore what I said. Make new ips for all I care, but if I'm going to play characters with a license to kill, make them fun, and entertaining, and charming, and spies. Because they are fucking rad
2: Coop games, we had coop games last gen that actually did some new things with coop, and then that settled into the same formulaic shit as well. Please try newer things, sincerely Champ.
preemptive counters
You people: Champ those games wouldn't sell, those games are too hardcore
No silly dweeb, there is no such thing as a hardcore game. There exist good games, that are simply marketed poorly. If you can't sell spy-fiction and a novelty in an era when everything gets called out for being samey, you and your inability to promote that is the problem.
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