[QUOTE="RStar9"] [QUOTE="Jared2720"]The Xbox 360 offers more "bang for your buck" than the Playstation 3? For the entry level price of $400, you get a fine selection of quality games that looks to overtake that of the 360's by summer,, Blu-ray playback, free online with no more lag than the 360's pay service, web browser, built-in wi-fi, Home, free themes/wallpapers, rechargeable controllers, and a standard HDD. How can the 360 possibly offer "more bang for your buck." That's just absurd.Jared2720
Its bang for your buck for a gaming console. Not for a blu ray player or media extender. First, you saying the online experiences are equal shows that you've never played live, and have no idea what you're talking about. I have both systems and on multi plat games like COD it runs worlds better on the 360. And the PS3's library is going to overtake the 360's by summer? Says who, you? What blind hate.
Bang for you buck for a gaming console? How does that add more "bang for your buck"? Clearly you do not understand the meaning of that phrase. You still have to purchase the games, most of which are the same price on the PS3. It's not about which is cheaper; it's about what offers more in relation to price. And the online experiences are basically equal. I have absolutely no problem getting into a CoD4 game online, whereupon I play with little or no lag. And it's free. I couldn't care less about the bells and whistles of Xbox Live.
As for games, I stand by my initial statement. The PS3 looks to add two more AAAE's within the next two weeks (Killzone 2 & MLB 09 [Can't be played on 360, which is what is relevant in this particular debate]).
The PS3 is the better overall value, which is what I explained in my first post. No hate here, my friend.
Its not bells and whistles, its a better online experience. You can not sit there and say you havent had COD games end mid way through, or joined a match only for it not to start.
As far as bang for your buck, I dont get how you arent getting what we're saying. The 360 costs less, and at the moment has better games. Im not sure why game prices has anything to do with how much you are paying for the console.
Also, while I agree with Killzone 2 being a system sell, I hardly see how a baseball game is going to be a huge hit for the PS3. I owned MLB 08 last year, and while it was better than ESPN's offering (off of reviews, never played ESPN last year) Its not a game I would put in to showcase why the PS3 is better, thats for sure.
You can agrue that the PS3 will lead in exlusives by the summer, I dont agree, but both sides have a good case so that ones just up to personal preference. But I dont see how anyone can make a plausible argument that the PS3 online experience is equal to live. Anyone who is not a PS3 first guy will laugh at that statement.
Something else that wasnt brought up is DLC, in which the 360 obviously leads.
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